Ganesha Classes Human Resource Management Prelims Question Paper 2014



   2 ½ Hours                                          Ganesha Classes                              Total Marks: 75


N.B.:      1)      Q.1. to Q.4. having internal option.

         2)   All Questions are compulsory

         3)   Write new questions on new Page, continue sub-question from same page.




Q.1. a)  Define HRM. Explain the problem Faced by HR Manager.                                               (08)

  1. b) Define HRP. Explain the process  or step involved in HRP with Diagram.                       (07)




Q.1.  a)   What is transfer? Explain the reason for transfer.                                                               (08)

  1. b) Explain the various method of  Job Evaluation.                                                                  (07)


Q.2.  a)   Distinguish Between Recruitment and Selection.                                                               (08)

  1. b) Explain the procedure for conducting training programmes.                                              (07)




Q.2.  a)   Write a Short notes on 360 Degrees Appraisal.                                                                   (08)

  1. b) What is Performance Linked Incentives? Explain its Advantages.                                     (07)


Q.3.  a)   Explain Briefly the employee retention techniques.                                                            (08)

  1. b) Explain the factors essential for successful Participative management.                              (07)




Q.3.  a)   Define Industrial Relation? Explain the importance of Industrial relations.                       (08)

  1. b) Narrate weakness of Indian trade unions and suggest Measure to remove them.               (07)


Q.4.  a)   Explain the factor affecting HR Planning.                                                                          (08)

  1. b) What is Job Design? Explain the factor affecting the Job design.                                     (07)




Q.4.  a)   Define Performance Appraisal? Explain the Purpose of Performance Appraisal.               (08)

  1. b) Explain the recent trends in the Indian trade union movement.                                         (07)


Q.5. Case Study:                                                                                                                                  (15)

     The Vipul Bank Ltd. has been facing problems relating to deposit mobilization and loan recovery. The bank appointed a number of commissions to go into the problems and find out the root cause of the problems. All the commissions pointed out that the delay in decision-making and faulty decisions made by the executives at different levels are responsible for the state of affairs in the bank. Mr. Shree, the Chairman of the bank, On 3rd March, 2012, asked the Chief Personnel Manager of the bank to develop various techniques and organize the Executive Development programmes in order to improve the decision making skills of the banks Executives from the level of Branch Manager to the General Manager.

The chairman of the bank attended an Executive Development Programme during July 2012 conducted by the administrative staff college of India of Chairman of all the banks. He was very much impressed by two techniques in the entire programme. They are the role play and the sensitive training. He thought that he should educate his personnel Manager about these techniques should be used in the proposed executive development programme of the bank. He called the Chief Personnel Manager and told him about his experiences and ideas. But the Chief Personnel Manager responded negatively. Mr. Shree tried his level best to convince him and similarly the Chief Personnel Manager also tried to persuade him about the nature of those techniques and the nature of the proposed development programme. At last Mr. Shree vexed with the behavior of the Chief Personnel Manager ordered him to use role play and sensitivity training techniques.



  • Do you find any justification in the argument of Mr. Shree?
  • Why does Mr. Shree form such opinion?
  • What do you feel about suitability of technique for Executive Development Programme in this case?

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