Creamy Green Pea and Mint Soup


Soups are not part of Indian diet but in my growing up years, my mom used to blend most of the vegetables in the blender, especially those on my hate list like spinach, spiced it up with Indian flavors and served us steaming hot on cold and rainy days . I was happy gulping down quickly as long as I don’t have to chew on the veggies. That was her way to introduce more nutrition in our diet.



This pea soup is light and creamy. I have used the frozen peas here. The fresh garden mint really jazzed up the soup. A generous shower of black pepper powder and few pinches of nutmeg powder brings out the flavor really well. And most convenient thing about this recipe is that you wont need stock for this recipe, plain water is the best here.

Homemade stocks works best for me, and if the peas are fresh and sweet, stock may suppressed its inherent flavor and taste.  Instead of cream, you can use milk too. But I love the cream here. It adds smooth and velvety touch to the soup.

Enjoy your Soup.!




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