MU, have some pity on BMS students!


Now it’s like the water has gone above our heads. All the limitations are now breaking with the passing of time. If all the courses results are out so why not the BMS yaar. Students are facing from so many problems and Mumbai university is least bothered, this shows how particular they are in managing the university.. High time now time to disclose the result of tybms….

Completely frustrated can’t wait anymore.. Mumbai university enough is enough have some pity on bms students…. 🙁

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  1. if we BMS students can write all our papers in a week of time y….is MU not able to correct our papers within the time limit……I wish i culd Depreciate da Ranking of MU

  2. m just tired of opening mu site everyday…..all these days aftr geting up in the morn d first thing i did was check 4 results…but now my hopes are all lost…i dnt hink we’ll get r results even dis month…

  3. I heard this rumor doing the rounds that the results of bms had a 40 pass %…The university then panicked and hence rechecked the papers…Now the % is arnd 60!
    NOTE: This is just a rumour doing the rounds..No1 has confirmed on it.

  4. Waiting for BMS results, I would remember as the worst moment of my life.. You cant even declare result dates in advance.. It is shamelessness of the highest order.. You should close this university at its earliest.. Because of you My father suffered a big financial loss and i lost my seat in a very good university.. Message for Senate members : I am very sure you will soon make this university the worst one in the world.. This was very good only because of britishers.. People like you are there of because of some influence and im sure you will make this university as one of the most corrupt in the world.. I would never like to see the face of this university again in my life..

  5. hey frndzzz dhe above statement is dammnn true as the results r out only 40%students r passed ders some problem wid assessment many students have forwardded their paper for rechecking shame on mumbai university day by day dese many things r happening wats dhe reason behind it????r we students helpless none other den the higher authorities cud help us education has no value nw…:-(

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