Interview with Mirisha Agrawal, BMS Class Representative, Nagindas Khandwala College



1) College days are unforgettable and infact they are the most happy days of every student’s life. As a BMS CR, what are your favorite BMS / college life memories?

According to me, my best memory is opening up and connecting to people after becoming the CR as I was very shy as a person.


2) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

According to me leadership means co-ordination and team work. My good co-ordination with my class mates proves that I have good leadership skills.


3) What are your future plans / career goals / aim in life?

My future plan is to do MBA in finance.


4) What quality do you like the most about yourself and why?

My quality that I keep calm while I work. This is because I can think better and do better when I am calm.


5) Being a young leader, what message would you like to youngsters / juniors / BMS students?

I would like to convey a message that love and do whatever you choose to do and give it your 100%.


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