10 Cool #HellYeah Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



1) Life gives us big challenges! But i always succeed! like finding the starting point of the cello tape!

2) Ashutosh: Sanghis are fascist they are trending Heil Ya. Kejri: Abe woh hai Americai: Look into my eyes & say I am a chutiya.

3) BJP’s Haryana Clear mandate is producing no.s of CM candidates approx 47 +- 1

4) MIM won 2 seats and came second on several others, but you think Modi is MAH’s Afzal Khan? UT :

5) DO i need a sponsored vacation? when do I never and who doesnt want a someone else paid vacation

6) I am Communal, I support FASCISM, I hate pseudo-secularism

7) People who could not muster courage to call for Bakra-less Eid are telling others to celebrate cracker-less Diwali. ?

8) Burst crackers, take pictures and send them to those who are telling you to celebrate cracker-less Diwali.

9) Is the (so-called) monsoon preparation by Chennai Corporation falling flat?

10) Folks like Americai Narayanan will kill the business of folks like AIB. Because on their own they crack jokes on themselves!
(Disclaimer : The opinions expressed here are taken from various social media websites. We do not endorse or support the same) 

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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