Explain The Functions of Advertising Agency


Advertising Agency


Functions of An Advertising Agency:

The functions of an ad agency depend upon its nature, size & internal organization. Broadly speaking, the functions of modern ad agency may be classified into the following five heads viz.

  • Account functions
  • Creative functions
  • Marketing functions
  • Management & Finance functions
  • Other functions


  • Account functions:

The account executive performs the following functions:

  1. Preparing advertising plan for the client.
  2. Preparing advertising plan budget of the client.


  • Creative Functions:

The creative department performs the following functions:

  1. Copy writing
  2. Art work
  3. Production of ads


  • Marketing Functions:

The agency provides the following marketing functions:

  1. Media planning function
  2. Research function
  3. Sales promotion function
  4. Direct mail function
  5. Product analysis function
  6. Trade promotion function


  • Management & finance functions:

The vice-president is in charge of the management & finance department. He performs the following functions:

  1. Management of accounts.
  2. Finance management &
  3. Office management of an ad agency


  • other Functions:
  1. attracting new accounts and
  2. Public Relations.


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