Watch How 138 Mistakes In ‘Dhoom 3’ Is Spotted In Less Than 8 Minutes


Plenty Wrong With Dhoom 3 In 8 Minutes Or So

“Bollywood Sins” uploaded a video titled “Plenty Wrong With Dhoom 3 in 8 Minutes” a couple of weeks back. No one could have imagined that the video will spot 138 mistakes of Bollywood’s biggest blockbuster movie and will go viral on internet with more than 8 lakh views in such short duration. This video showcases the blunders in the movie which ofcourse yes, are common in today’s Indian films. Aamir Khan’s haters are enjoying the video and sharing it on various social media platforms whereas Aamir Khan fans are really miffed with the video. Fans feel that the story is fictitious and the makers of the video should understand that it’s Indian cinema and they cannot make fun of the movie. Well, if you have missed watching this amazing video, then check it here :


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