10 Amazing #CarlsenAnand Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


#CarlsenAnand 1

  1. Carlsen cheating while Anand went to the washroom #CarlsenAnand
  2. #Breaking News Vishwanathan Anand refuses to play a round of chess with Sharad Pawar #CarlsenAnand #SoNCP
  3. #CarlsenAnand Engine evaluation 4 several lines never crossed the 0.5 mark. Which suggests that black has enough resources all the time.
  4. I apologize to my non-chess loving followers for this flood of #CarlsenAnand The World Chess Championship match is epic so far!
  5. Game 4 in #CarlsenAnand ends in a draw after marathon endgame. It’s 2-2. now with Anand playing white next
  6. Anand has played the correct move. The main reason he hesitated is that the game will now contin#CarlsenAnand
  7. Extremely tense game going on here and Vishy has the initiative. Tweet your support for the Legend #Wish4Vishy #CarlsenAnand
  8. Absolutely fascinating chess battle taking place at the Sochi World Championship! #CarlsenAnand
  9. Chess must be the only sport where the commentators get more tired than the players. #CarlsenAnand
  10. Shuttling between the #CarlsenAnand and the #RosettaLanding livestreams is a wonderful problem to have.

(P.S. The above messages are taken from Twitter and posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the above tweets / status)

 #CarlsenAnand 2


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