SWOC analysis of SBI’s internet banking



Greater reach to customers

Quicker time to market

Ability to introduce new products and services quickly and successfully

Ability to understand its customers’ needs

Customers are given access to information easily across any location

Greater customer loyalty

Easy online application for all accounts, including personal loans and mortgage

24 hours account access

Quality customer service with personal attention


Lack of awareness among the existing customers regarding internet              banking

Obsolesce of technology take place very soon specially in terms of security on internet.

Procedure for applying for id and password for using services related to internet banking takes time.

Lack of knowledge is found regarding internet banking in employees of SBI

Implementation of newer technology is little bit complicated

Employees needs training to obtain knowledge regarding I-banking



Approximately 95% of customers are not using internet banking.

Core competency can be achieved in terms of banking if focus is made on awareness of internet banking state bank of India.

Can become 1 virtual bank of India.

Concentration of various services should be made using internet banking



Maintaining Business Edge over competitors in the context of sameness in IT infrastructure

Multiple vendor support is necessary for working of highly complex technology

Maintaining secured IT infrastructure for business operations

Alternative must be there in case of failure of system

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