What Are The Disadvantages of Advertising on Television?




Disadvantages of advertising on television:

  • Perishable:

The message advertised on TV is perishable & easily forgotten, if the repetitions are not there, which is often very expensive.

  • Cluster:

Most advertisement are shown in a cluster, usually prior to, during breaks and at the end of programme. The risk is that with so may not be able to start out or get noticed or may be confused with some other commercial.

  • Switching channels:

With the no. of television channels available to the target audience, the choice of watching programme has increased. At the time of commercials being aired on a particular channel, audience might switch on to some other channel with the help of a remote control. This acts as a waste of money on that group of audience.

  • Less attention:

Many a time, not much attention may be given to the commercial because the viewers have the TV on but may not actually watching it. The potential audience may be busy in some other work.




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