What Are The Advantages Of Radio Advertising?





                   Radio is a personal medium, which has lost some of its importance after commercial advertisements, was allowed on TV. However, radio regained its lost luster with FM band gaining much popularity.


Advantages of radio advertising:


  • Cost effective:

Radio is a cheaper media and has a distinct appeal.

  • Regional coverage:

Radio offers local coverage on its medium wave channels. This facilitates advertisers to reach the local markets with local product & local retail store.

          For example: In Delhi on the FM band, advertisement for fast food chain of McDonalds, dominos, etc. is done continuously.

  • Specific segment advertisement:

Radio can target its narrow listeners segment more selectively than TV. For example, teenagers are often the heavy listeners of radio.

  • Quick response:

Due to its relatively low cost of production & immediacy, radio can react quickly to the changing environment.

  • Mobile means:

Radio is a mobile means of communication. Radio in the cars & other private & commercial vehicles gives proximity to the advertisers for sales even when the listener is on the more.



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