Explain The Advantages of Advertisement on Outdoor Media


Outdoor Media


Advantages of advertisement on outdoor media:

  1. Outdoor media with the message put at the right places, can reach most of the production in a market with high frequency at very low cost per exposure.
  2. It is the one of the best mediums to be used for the announcement of or the introduction of new products and brand name reinforcement.
  3. Medium like neon signs & sky advertising & make use of attractive colours & lights. These are highly variable & instantly catch attention.
  4. Teaser campaigns can be effective in the outdoor media, for example, the commercial launch of the “Rediff”, “Aquafina”, etc. were very effectively placed in the outdoor media as teaser campaigns.


Disadvantages of advertisements on outdoor media:

  1. It can carry very brief message of the advertiser.
  2. Outdoor media has been attached constantly as a visual pollutant which distracts the driver.
  3. The effectiveness of the outdoor media is extremely difficult to evaluate.

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