10 Funny #NehruFailures Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



1) Around the mystery of Netaji S.C. Bose’s death, Nehru promised Britishers to handover Bose to them if ever found to be alive.

2) Congress has stolen in 10 years more than what the British could in 200 years.  

3) What bigger proof of do you want? Moron Pappu goes to Bilaspur over deaths and smiles for photo ops…

4) Being a Womanizer ,Drunkard….. is a personal choice ,but being a bad policy maker is was one among many  

5) AAP trends bcoz Kejriwal care for Delhi BJP trends bcoz Modi has nothing to show except Congress Failure

6)  140 characters are never enough to list it all.

7) Thts why elders used to say that join d crowd & now i know y as wherever d crowd is madness is there

8) Jawahar Lal Nehru loved children. Well, so did Michael Jackson. But we, the people, judge.  

9) The First time any country welcomed a 5 million man hostile Army on it’s borders was India. Chini Bhai Bhai.

10)  Brought Hindu Marriage Act to tame Men while he had gala time

(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from Twitter and we do not endorse / support the above opinions)




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