Top 10 Amazing #DelhiDialogue Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



1) Kejriwal is giving so many freebies that a tax payer is getting shiver in his spine

2)  Lets have a survey RT it if u think is going to be next CM of Delhi…pls take a part on it..

3) “Tu jaanta nahi mera Baap kaun hai” The only the country knows of.
4) Srprised dat Aap fans r anti modi cz his plans n promises are longterm & realistic,not hoaxes lyk kejriwal jst to cm in power

5)AAP promises to make Urdu compulsory in all schools of Delhi. we don’t want a Mini-Pakistan in India

6) Vote for AAP for “A” grade Delhi Vote for BJP for “B” grade Delhi Vote for Congress for “C” grade Delhi

7)  will Introduce “Cough Panchayat” – – – If voted to Power in Delhi

8) AAP’s :Not much interaction,just another election rally:*Debobrat,how much were you paid to write so?,

9) AAP MLA bandana ji on RCC road on inspection where construction is going on

10) Good part about is that it has started before BJP starts its campaign on ground nd through media…



(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from social media websites. We do not endorse/ support the above opinions) 



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