10 Cool #BB8 ‘Gautam Gulati’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



1) That clap by u after u saw Gautam sweeping d garden even though he’s d captain, v. beautiful moment!

2) Bigg Boss 8 the reason why Gautam Gulati and Dimpy Mahajan are my favorites is that they speak their mind and they are nice.

3) A request to all Gautam fans. Pls don’t abuse the fans of other HMs. If you can co-exist peacefully, why abuse. Learn it from Gautam.

4) Karishma fans….pls dnt tweet anything -ve about that Psycho gautam…importance kyun dena usse??

5) Nigaar upen praneet plotting how to remove hero image of Gautam from peoples mind

6) When doesn’t cooperate, he gets punishment. When others don’t cooperate, Gautam has to do their part of work. Wow  
7) I felt SO good to see Gautam & Pritam hug each other…just hope this ends their misunderstandings & we get our Jai Veeru back
8) WE HAVE SAVED & his frnds since the first week. Dayan gang is going 1 by 1!
9) Praneet is making breakfast and asks how many roti he wants. Gautam says 4. Praneet: tu hota kaun mujhe number dene wala!  
10) Loved when said what would you guys do if Gautam “pat” someone on the back like Praneet did to him! No answer, right!

(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from social media websites. We do not endorse/ support the above opinions) 


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