Happy Day of Missile Forces and Artillery 2014 Greetings, Wishes, Images, HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp, Facebook


 Happy Day of Missile Forces and Artillery 2014 Greetings, Wishes, Images, HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp, Facebook

 Missiles and Artillery Day  (6) Missiles and Artillery Day  (7) Missiles and Artillery Day  (8) Missiles and Artillery Day  (9) Missiles and Artillery Day  (10)





 Missile Forces and Artillery day is celebrated on 19th November 2014. The day is observed as a holiday in Russia and Belorussia. On this day, Red Army had successfully counter attacked in Operation Uranus battle i.e. on 19th November 1942 and hence since then the holiday is a memorable day among Russians. 


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309

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