What Are The Objectives of The World Bank?


World Bank

Objectives of the World Bank (IBRD)


The main objectives of the World Bank are:


  • Reconstruction and Development: The main objective of the bank is to reconstruct the war-devastated economies like Britain, France, Holland etc. and to provide economic assistance to underdeveloped countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma etc.


  • Encouragement to Capital Investment : An other important objective of the Bank is sto encourage private investors to invest capital underdeveloped countries, by means of guarantee of participation in loans and other investment made by private investors and when private capital is not available on reasonable terms, to supplement private investment by providing on suitable conditions finance for productive purposes out of its own capital, funds raised by it and its other resources.


  • Encouragement to International Trade : The third objective of the bank is to encourage international trade. It aims at promoting long-range growth of international trade and maintenance of equilibrium in member’s international balance of payments, so that standard of living of the people of member-countries is raised.


  • Establishment of Peace Time Economy : The fourth objective of the Bank is to help the member-countries changeover from war-time economy to peace-time economy.


  •  Environmental Protection : Global environmental protection is also an objective of Bank. To this end, World Bank gives substantial financial assistance to those underdeveloped countries which are engaged in the task of environmental protection.




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