15 Amazing Tips To Crack Placement Interviews By Carl Unwala


placement interviews


1) When you go for an interview you are going for a job in the company /organisation and not to impress the manager or board of directors

2) Go in a presentable manner

3) One important quality you need is confidence

4) If you have an interview by 10 am go there early by 9:45 and not 10:15am.

5) Punctuality counts as if you can’t reach for an interview on time then how will you be there and work in our office on time (as told by the managers)!!!

6) Always acknowledge the boss or manager sitting opposite you and allow him to talk what he has to instead of you going on barking

7) Sometimes you may be rejected because of talking too much

8) Today’s world is very competitive and you are bound to face challenges from peers, friends etc

9) So don’t think why did that fellow get in / He isn’t capable…..each person’s quality differs….

10) Always have eye contact with the manager or boss but don’t be too lost in him/her

11) Sometimes there are 2 rounds of interviews or sometimes 3

It may be in this order

Personal interview

2 nd round of interview

Third and final interview with the board of directors or managers

12) During an interview you may feel that shiver down your spine but talk the truth and don’t hesitate..

13) Always be polite and never use slang language as it shows your character

14) Lastly when you don’t get through the interview never mind, there are many more jobs waiting in line…

15) If you pass and get though successfully thank God first for giving you that job and then thank your parents for having brought you up in a good and elite manner…after all children follow their parents’ footsteps…


By Carl Unwala (BMS Graduate 2013-14)



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