What Are The Steps in Mentoring?





Mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser. Therefore mentoring is guidance given by a senior in the organisation to a new recruit.
Steps in mentoring  
1) Initiation-
Initiation means commencement. In this stage the mentor and the mentee meet. Here both try to know and understand each other..
2) Progression-
Progression involves progress or development. In this stage the relation starts crystallising weekly; monthly meetings are held between mentor and mentee. The actual issues faced by the mentee in the organisation are discussed.
3) Integration/assimilation
There is close integration in the ties between the mentor and mentee. Along with the professional issues personal issues may also be discussed between mentor and mentee. The mentor tries to use his skill and experience to solve the issues between mentor and mentee.
4) Feedback
Feedback is then crystallised in to a plan of action. Various steps and measures can be suggested for corrective action.


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