1) Overcome the fear of rejection / losing. Always appear in the interview with the attitude as if you don’t need this job. Yes you read it right. Always appear in interviews with this attitude. This approach will boost your self-confidence. As per research, if we need something in life then we chase it. We fear losing it even before getting it. First focus should be to achieve a particular objective. Once you achieve then only fear of losing comes into picture. So appear in interviews with full of confidence and with an attitude that you don’t need this job. It will help you to overcome the fear of rejection or losing the job because no company wants to hire a fearful person. Hence, overcome the fear if you want the job.
2) Understand the job requirement. It is very important to understand what is the job profile and what you are; whether you fit in this profile or not. Always ask for job description and all before you are going to appear for the interview.
3) Probable questions and answers. Once you are clear with the job requirement, make a list of probable questions and their answers i.e. what are the type of questions an interviewer can ask you. Take help of your friends who are working in some industries or anywhere else. This will help you to understand what kind of question he is going to ask you.
4) Never mention false information in your CV. If you don’t have those and you mention it then it can create problems for you. The organizations are very smart and they can easily find out that you fabricate your CV. Be honest and mention true information in your CV.
5) Never argue with interviewer. During the interview, lets accept that the person taking the interview has more experience. Just listen and don’t argue to justify your point. Put across your point but in proper manner.
6) Be honest and flexible during the interview. If you don’t know the answer, just accept the same rather than trying to give wrong answers. Besides knowledge with changing environment, the organization gives lots of importance to people who are honest and flexible in their approach.
7) Ask for feedback at the end of the interview from the interviewer irrespective how interview went. It will give very positive impression about the candidate.
8) Never ask for unrealistic salary hikes as it gives the impression that you are not serious about the job and just changing the job for money.
9) Never ditch the organization after accepting the job. Some people have the habit of keep trying in various organizations for better package after receiving the job offer. If they get another job, then they simply say NO before joining. Trust me it can spoil your career. If you are not sure, don’t commit anything and mention valid reasons.
10) All the best and yes, don’t forget to smile during the interview.
By Ravi Agnihotri (BMS Graduate 2012-13)