6 Simple Tips To Crack TYBMS Project Viva Exam By Aanand Pandey


Project Viva



1) Have a belief in yourself that you are the creator or expert of the project and you know better than anyone why the project is made and what is the scope of the project.

2) Have a good positive attitude. Do not rely on what students are saying outside the exam hall about the external project viva examiner. Professors want you to pass  and if you are thinking negative about them beforehand, then you will be more scared and more defensive which will not be a good thing to happen in the exam.

3) Be frank with what you have done and justify all the problems and limitations associate with the research of the project.

4) Make a proper effort to look smart on the viva exam day. Be confident and wear formals.

5) Read your project and make sure you have a fresh mind to answer the project related questions.

6) Prepare a talk to present in the viva and make a list of the feedback given to you by the examiner.


Best of Luck!





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