Zeal 2014-15 Coming Soon!


Guru Nanak College proudly celebrates it Silver Jubilee year in the academic year 2014 – 2015. We have decided to celebrate the college Silver Jubilee by conducting varied curricular, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities throughout the academic year one of them being an Inter Collegiate Festival ‘Zeal’ organized by the students of Self Finance Section of our College


‘Silver Zeal’ will be the highlight of this year. Zeal is the College festival which is celebrated as a tradition in our college in the month of January. The response of our event last year was amazing, over 50 colleges participated and over 1000 students visited to be a part of the event.


This year we expect a footfall of about 2000 students for this 3 Day Festival which would take place on the 7th, 8th & 9th January, 2015. The Central Theme for this year’s Festival is “ZEAL’15 COMICPALOOZA” which means a gathering of all Comic characters at a particular place.


Also, A One day Seminar on financial markets called Mindshare will be organized on this occasion. Bombay Stock Exchange has been kind enough to support us in this activity in recent years. We, further have a program of interaction with street children and orphans through our tie up with an NGO.

The CL meet is been organised on 9th December at The Emperor, Guru Nanak College, Sion(e), G.T.B Nagar with a closing performance of THE INDIAN JAZZ COLONY.

Please do come and enjoy the party.

  • Contact Us:

Event Head

Mr. Mohit Thakur: +91 9664084266

Co Event Heads

Mr. Pravin Fulwariya: +91 8080539272
Mr. Mainak Ghosh: +91 8108080319
Mr. Sanket Mahadik: +91 7506370050
Mr. Vikas Chawda: +91 9773569496

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