7 Facts You Ought To Know About ‘The Italian Super Mario-Balotelli’



Mario Barwuah Balotelli is an Italian footballer who plays as a striker for Italian National Team and also for club Liverpool.Here are quick facts that you ought to know about the Italian Super Mario-

  • He was born to immigrants from Ghana in Palmero, Sicily but in 1993 when he was three years old he was given to an Italian foster family.
    Mario childhood-
    A collect photograph of Mario Balotelli, in Konongo, Ghana
  • He began his career at Lumezzane at the age of 15 and his first team début was in a Serie C1 league match against Padova on 2nd April 2006.
  • Manchester City and Liverpool supporters regularly sing a song which describe his activities and a musician named Tinchy Stryder recorded a song “Mario Balotelli” to honour him.


  • He was once involved in a car crash and at that time he was carrying 5,000 pounds and when asked by a police officer the reason why he was carrying so much money he replied “because I am rich”.
  • Once he also drove into a women’s prison in Italy and when asked the reason why he replied“to have a look around”.Also he threw darts at a team player during training and called it to be a “Prank”.


  • Rewards
      • Golden Boy Award-2010
      • Serie A Team Of The Year-2012-2013
      • FA Cup Final Man Of The Match-2011
      • UEFA Euro Team Of The Tournament-2012
      • Best dressed Men-2012 (GQ)

Mario Balotelli

  • Recent News
      • On December 1, he was accused of racism of posting a picture of Mario on instagram with the caption station “jumps like a Black man and grabs coins like a Jew” but to his defence he said that his adoptive mother is a jew.
      • For the above act he got fine of 25000 pounds and also ban of one match.


      • He also faced a groin injury because of which he could not feature against Bournemouth’s Tie.

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.

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