CSIR Chennai Recruitment 2015 For 3 Job Posts


CSIR Chennai

Important Dates: 

The interview for the post of SPF would be conducted on Monday, January 05, 2015 from 09.30 AM onwards. 

The interview for the post of SRF would be conducted on Tuesday, January 06, 2015 from 09.30 AM onwards. 

Total Number of Posts: 03 

Senior Project Fellow (SPF): 02 

Senior Research Fellow (SRF): 01


SPF: The applying candidates must possess M.E. or M.Tech. Degree or M.Sc. in the relevant field i.e. Optoelectronics/Lasers/Photonics, with relevant Research experience in the concerned field. 

SRF: the candidates applying for this post must possess a degree of M.E. or M.Tech in the Embedded Systems/Applied Electronics/VLSI Design or equivalent from a recognized university or institute.

Age Limit: 

The age of the aspirants must not be more than 32 years as on the date of the interview.

Pay Scale:

The consolidated Salary for the selected candidates would be Rs. 18,000/-plus HRA per month.

Selection Procedure:

Walk-in-Interview/Personal Interview.

How to Apply: 

CSIR Madras Complex, CSIR Road, CSIR Campus, Taramani P.O., Chennai – 600113

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