National Small Industries Corporation Ltd (NSIC) Recruitment 2015 For 53 Posts


National Small Industries Corporation Ltd

Important Dates: 

Submission of forms : December 20, 2014 to January 03, 2015.

Last date : January 13, 2015.

Total Number of posts: 53 Posts 

Chief Manager (Company Secretary): 1 Post

Assistant Manager: 16 Posts

Assistant Manager (F&A): 15 Posts

Accounts Officer: 21 Posts


Chief Manager (Company Secretary): Candidate must have a Graduation degree and have passed the examination of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

Assistant Manager: Candidate must have a Graduation degree with MBA/PGDBM with specialization in Marketing OR Graduate in Civil/Electrical & Electronics/Electrical/Electronics & Communication Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.

Assistant Manager (F&A): Candidate must be a B.Com with CA (Inter)/ICWA (Inter)/M.Com OR B.Com with MBA/PGDBM with specialization in Finance or Banking from a recognized University or Institution.

Accounts Officer: Candidate must be a B.Com/M.Com/CA (Inter)/ICWA (Inter) OR B.Com with MBA/PGDBM (with specialization in Finance) from a recognized University or Institution. 

Age limit: 

The candidates applying for the post of Chief Manager (Company Secretary) should not be more than 42 yearsof age.

The upper age limit for candidates applying for the remaining posts must not exceed 30 years.

Pay Scale:   

Chief Manager (Company Secretary): Rs. 24900 – 50500/- 

Assistant Manager: Rs. 12600 – 32500/- 

Assistant Manager (F&A): Rs. 12600 – 32500/- 

Accounts Officer: Rs. 12000 – 24000/-

How to Apply: 

Send applications to Deputy General Manager (HR), National Small Industries Corporation Ltd., “NSIC Bhawan”, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi – 110020, India.


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