“The change starts within each one of us, and ends only when all children are free to be children.” – Craig Kiel burger
Child Work is “work that does not interfere in any way with the development of children or their education.” Child Labor is “work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous and harmful to children or interferes with their education”. Here there are 8 ways of ending child labor:
Educate yourself
A person must be well-educated enough to respect a child and a woman. If a person is educated, he can educate the other ten people, like this we can spread awareness through education. They can share their knowledge with friends and family, co-workers and others, and work together to stop child labor.
Contact companies and stores
We must contact retail stores, manufacturers and importers and kindly ask them questions about the origins of their products and also let them know that you want to buy products that don’t involve child labor and must explain them that you are strictly against child labor. Also, you must give suggestions to them of not supporting child labor.
Help NGOs
Spend less amount of money on your luxuries like makeup, cars, etc. or go out to eat a bit less and donate that money towards supporting reputable groups that are helping children from exploitative labor and helping them get a good education. Volunteer your time to them when you can.
Contact legislators
Contact local, regional and national legislators and ask them to pass laws that ensure no products in your city/state/country are made with child labor, and encourage them to adopt “codes of conduct” which include concern for humane, sustainable, just practices.
Pressurize government to stop child labor
Contact businesses that do business in countries that have child labor and put pressure on government officials to take appropriate action and on businesses that use child labor to use sustainable, fair-trade practices.
Connect with shareholders
Talk to shareholders of different companies and ask them to support humane, sustainable and just practices that doesn’t include child labor.
Write letters to the head
We must write letters to the heads of countries that permit any form of child slavery and ask them to strengthen and enforce their laws, and to increase educational opportunities for children and humane.
Give presentations
Give presentations to schools, communities of faith, nonprofits and other groups to educate them about child labor issues and encourage positive action.