Aahan 2012 – Ascend Beyond Aspirations


Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management Presents Aahan 2012

It’s easy to create assumptions about college festivals in general. It’s easy to do the same thing, year after year, trying very hard to stick to the regime instead of making an attempt to break away from it. What’s not easy is standing out . being the psychedelic in the blur of bland. Aahān is, in a way, the aftertaste. The essence that lingers on for a while, only because it’s impactful. It’s the sense of freedom while being compelled to work in a secluded environment. It’s a sense of cacophony in a surreal world. Aahān stands under the spotlight, taking center stage for the second time with a bold twist.

This year, Aahān chooses to be the pop of colour peeking through the curtain of monochrome . literally. We’re Copy+Pasting the very core of the classic epoch and bringing vintage to life in the 21st century. Sepia undertones and vibrant musings; young ambitions and aspirational wisecracks; a brim-full of thoughts in a single mega brain . Aahān is all this and much, much more.

We dazzled and amazed last year, and this time, we come to you with the same intention. With our glitzy caps on, we hope to be bolder, smarter and way crazier. Come January, the mega-fest that is Aahān emerges with the ultimate aim . three exclusive days of frolic, competition and innovation.

With relentless intent and a fresh face in hand, Aahān 2012 has arrived.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal

Founded in 1934, Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) has been instrumental in the development of various educational institutes that have changed the face of education in Mumbai today. SVKM has been a forerunner in providing educational facilities to students in the city. The trust has 24 institutions under its wing that provide quality education in all fields of study.

Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management

Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management was founded in 2003. One of SVKM’s most recent establishments, it is one of the most rapidly growing colleges in the city. It offers the undergraduate courses B.M.M., B.M.S. and B.Sc. (I.T.) and the postgraduate course of M.Sc. (I.T.).

Its students have hosted three festivals aimed at a diverse target audience. These were sixteen: nine International Film Festival, initiated by the BMM faculty, Chip I.T. of B.Sc. (I.T.) and Gran Exito of BMS. Last year, the students of all three streams came together to create Aahān 2011 . a professional festival with international appeal.

Mission Statement

Aahān aims at the stars but doesn’t lose sight of the ground. It wants to create professionals but starts with amateurs. It is everything you want to be but begins with who you are.

Aahān 2012

After a successful debut in 2011, we’re back again to rope in the aspirers. This time around, we seek to retain all that was good and add a dash of antiquity. With a theme that glorifies the very essence of vintage and its beauty, Aahān travels back to the time when fashion was synonymous with class and there was neither want nor space for crassness. Aahān 2012 is a new start. It is the birth of a new legacy; the beginning of an era. It is a process of practicality and keeping it real. In a world that seeks nothing less than absolute professionalism, Aahān aims to provide participants with just that. Media, management and I.T. combine forces to create this exception.

We’re setting the stage to give you a festival that’s bursting with spunk and class mixed with the ultimate challenge to succeed. Brace yourselves as we reveal the rebirth of this extravaganza on 11th, 12th and 13th January, 2012

Theme: Cut to the Classics

We live today longing for tomorrow and when our tomorrow becomes today, we long for the yesterday because that’s what our today became and you know it was good. However, with Aahān 2012, you get the chance to live that yesterday . probably the yesterday’s yesterday . today! How convenient is that?

This time, we’re going vintage. We’re going polka dots and hats, we’re going large sunglasses and headbands, and we’re going TV sets with reception cables and record players . all in the 21st century. We’re going back to the era where simplicity had its charm, where vintage cars were just, well, cars and where The Beatles were still alive (bless them). It’s like picking the best candy from a candy shop because we’re going back to everything that’s good. Move over Poppin’ and Lockin’, it’s time for some swing!

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