5 Amazing Facts You Really Ought To Know About America’s Beauty Crown – Yosemite National Park


Yosemite National Park
Entrance of Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park Entrance

Yosemite National Park, located in the U.S.A. is spread all across the eastern and central portion of this united nation’s land. It is a Delight to all Nature Lovers. Established on 1st October 1890 this covers an area of 747,956 acres (3,026.87 km sq) and is managed by the National Park Service. It was considered to a World Heritage site in 1984. Here are a few interesting facts that you should know about this park-

1. El Capitan the most famous site of Yosemite Park is the largest Granite monolith that is exposed in the world.

El Capitan –
El Capitan

A short documentary made while climbing this natural marvel-


2.Fauna and Flora found here include the mule deer and chipmunks of the valley and the marmots and pikas of the heights; the brush rabbit and chaparral of the near desert; the dogwood and warblers of mid-elevation forests; the red fir and Jeffrey pine of mile-high forests; the dwarf willow and matted flowers of Yosemite’s majestic mountains.

Animals found here-

animals found at yosemite

3.Yosemite falls stop during August because these falls occur due to snow and all the snow melts till June and July.

The amazing Falls of Yosemite
yosemite Falls

4. The park’s giant sequoia trees can survive for more than 3,000 years old.

sequoia trees

5. Approximately 4 million people visit this park every year.

Yosemite on the map
Yosemite National Park Map
Yosemite’s Beauty
Yosemite Park Water Falls2
Here is a short documentary on this amazing piece of land


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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