What do you mean by service recovery?


What do you mean by service recovery?

Service recovery is a term used for systematic efforts by a firm in order to correct the problem following a service failure, and to retain a customer’s goodwill. Service recovery efforts play a crucial role in achieving or restoring customer satisfaction. In every organisation, things may occur that have a negative impact on its relationship with customers. The true test of a firms, commitment to satisfaction and service quality isn’t in advertising promises or the decor and ambience of its office but in the way it responds when things go wrong.jor the customer.

Effective service recovery requires thoughtful procedures for resolving problems and handling disgruntled customers. It is critical for firms to have effective recovery stralegies, because even a single service problem can destroy a customers’ confiderTce, in tvfirm under the following conditions:

i)      The failure is totally outrageous.

ii)     The problem fits a pattern of failure rather than .being’ah isolated incident.

iii)    The recovery efforts are weak, serving to: compound the original problem rather than correct it.

Some complaints are made while service, deliqery (s still taking place, while others are made after the fact. In both instances, how the complaint is handled may determine whether the customer remains with the firm or seeks new; suppliers in the future. The advantage of getting real time complaints is that there nay still be a chance to correct the situation before service delivery is complete.


The downside of real time compliant (from an employee perspective), is that they can be de-motivating. Dealing with them in real time can also interfere with service delivery. The real difficulty for employees is that they often lack the authority and the tools to resolve customer problems, especially, when comes to arranging alternatives at companies’ expense or authorizing compensbtionon the spot. When complaints are made after the fact, the options for recovery are more limited. In this case, the firm can apologize, repeat the service to achieve the desired solution or offer some other forms of compensations.

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