How to measure service Quality?
What are the Dimensions / Determinants of Quality?
It refers to the process quality as judged by the consumers during a service delivery and the quality of output judged after a service is performed.
Berry, Parasuram and Zeithaml conducted an extensive research in service quality and identified 10 criteria used by consumers in evaluating service quality as shown in the figure below:
Ten Dimensions of Service Quality
Dimension and Definition | Examples of Specific Questions Realised by Customers |
Tangibles: Appearance of Physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials. |
Reliability: Ability to perform The promised service dependably and accurately. |
Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. |
account promptly?
Competence: Possession of The required skills and Knowledge to perform the service. |
Courtesy: Politeness, respect,consideration and friendliness of contact personnel. |
when I ask questions?
consistently polite when answering my calls?
stepping on my carpet? |
Credibility: Trustworthiness,believability,  honesty of the service provider. |
Security: Freedom from danger, risk or doubt. |
Access: Â Approachability and ease of contact, |
Communication: Keeping customers informed in a language they can understand and listening to them. |
related to the mortgage loan?
scheduled repair appointment? |
Understanding           the Customer: Making the effort to know customers and their needs. |
It was found that there was a high degree of correlation between most of these variables. They
are consolidated into five broad dimensions.
- Tangibles: Tangibles are those factors which the consumer can feel, hear and touch. Tangible are used while assessing the physical qualities and before the service is experienced. For an example, you would not like to be served by an unclean waiter with dirty uniform and perhaps you would never visit such a restaurant again.
- Responsiveness: It refers to the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Responsiveness is an important dimension for those customers who require some extra service over and above that is usually provided.
- Empathy: It means the power of understanding the customer’s feelings and needs that enables the server to take care of the customer and provide personal attention. It is described as human touch.
- Assurance: It means that the knowledge which the provider possesses enables him to perform the services competently. It also includes courtesy aspects such as politeness and respect for customers.’
- Reliability: It is the capacity to deliver the promised service accurately on time. The milkman who delivers milk on a regular basis in time is reliable.
First of all thanks Dear friend I hope to be fine and doing well
i have a question
what are the determinants of Quality?