What Should BMS Students Ideally Do In Summer Vacations?



Vacations are round the corner for BMS students (probably in April ;p) we all will be having almost 2 months of holidays! Have you made any plans? Intimidated by them?? Don’t know what to do in your vacations? You know, before the vacations arrive you have a dozens of plans to go to some place or to meet people but as soon as holidays arrive, your all plans go down in the drain. It’s like you don’t know what you have to do (it happens with me a lot ;p). Want to spend your vacations in the best possible way? Here’s a small guide which might help you to have a very productive + fun filled holidays.



This is most common thought that comes to our mind. The thing that you need to consider is that as soon as your holidays begin you should start looking out for a job. The reason being that nobody gives internship for one month or so hence you should be well prepared if you are pretty serious about doing a job. So begin early and yield the best for yourself.

guitar classes

Hobbies time:-

All of us have a wish to learn to play guitar or any other instrument. It could be you want to learn baking. Car driving? It could be anything and what better time than your vacations to follow your hobbies? Join your favorite hobby class or even better learn a new hobby…follow your heart and let loose of yourself. Learn to dance, sing, cook etc the list is endless.

crash courses

Crash course:-

Learn about stock market or Tally. Utilize your time to learn some skills which will add a silver lining to your resume. Personality development sources are also a good option if you think you need to change any aspect of yourself. Learning a new skill will surely add an edge to your personality and segregate you from rest of the crowd.

visit places

Visit places:-

All of us have a dream to visit some place why not use the time we have. Plan before time to visit all places you want to.

Finally I would like to say that vacations are a time to relax and sip a good cup of coffee or tea watching the sun set softly and surely you have all the time in the world but using your time wisely is important. Long holidays make you happy but to be honest after few days you will start missing your college days hence it is important to do some work and not sit ideal. Always pre-plan your holidays when you are in your college because that is the right time when you feel you could do something (I mean you get ideas of doing a hobby or job when you are busy with your assignments). I hope you liked my article and it helped you in some way. If you have any fresh ideas about how to spend your holidays please feel free to comment below. Enjoy your summers (coming soon)

 enjoy holidays


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