Interview with Nadeem Khan, SYBMS CR, Pillai College


Name – Nadeem Khan
College Name – Pillais College of Arts Commerce & Science
Course Name – BMS
Which Year – SY
1) Tell us about yourself?
Ans – Basically I’m from Average class family. I’m a straight forward person in real life. I don’t depend on others to do my work. My purpose to join BMS was to get ready for the future. And I wish to be a well-known Business personality.

2) How does it feel to be the Class Representative of the class?
Ans – It feels really good to be a class CR and it helps me to get motivated every day for a new start. I was selected as a CR in the beginning of SY of my course and the thing which motivates me to be CR of the class is better communication with our teacher and their great thoughts.

3) What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.
Ans – I think a leader is a person who always says “walk with leader” and not say “follow the leader” because if the other people (students) walk with leader even they will know what problems is faced by my CR and how to solve it.
As someone said “Time is Money” I think it is right because if we save time and finish our work on time it will help us to put extra efforts on other things like sports, study, GK etc. which help us to get polished for our future.
There was a huge problem in our class at the time of distribution of notes or important notice so to solve this problem I came up with idea of giving the notes to students by the help of xeroxwala in our college to give the notes to the students directly, which I think shows a leadership skill of creating new ideas for solving a problem.

4) What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?
Ans – The values which demonstrate me as a leader is my never giving up attitude for anything and also having the self-control on my anger.
It also helps me to learn my new quality to upgrade myself to be a good leader.

5) Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leader maintain themselves to stay motivated?
Ans – Yes, leader is needed to be motivated. There are different ways which can help leaders to be motivated by learning new things by their small small mistakes which is made by them and learning new things from teacher and environment of the college which will helps them to come up with new ideas and innovation.

6) What is the most difficult part of being a leader?
Ans – The most difficult part as per being a leader is to make decisions on anything very quickly without analysing which may create problems in future.

7) What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?
Ans – My greatest strength is my straight forward attitude for everything. And my weakness that I’m shy sometimes to speak to the students of my class.

8) According to you, what is BMS all about?
Ans – According to me BMS is about of creating or managing our self for future and building up new ideas and plan to lead our country or business in future. BMS helps to know the ability of single person and shows his current position.

9) As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?
Ans – As a student I like to bring more practical knowledge more than a theoretical knowledge in BMS department.

10) What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
Ans – I would like to say that if they are ready to face new challenges they are welcome but if they are not they should learn new things from this which will help them to lead in the future market.

11) Though this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the BMS students?
Ans – I think without struggle there is no way to the success because if a person works hard for something he will get the work done.
After being a CR I have learned many things like how to control myself and gain self-confidence to speak in front of people.
The wisdom of life and competition is same because life and competition always teaches something new to us.
My message to upcoming BMS student is to enjoy their studies and also take part in practical projects.

12) Your feedback for ?
Ans – I must say this concept is the one of best concept to interact with students and give them chance of giving short interview in this format.

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Christy Nadar


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