Its Martina Again For Leander Paes! The 41 Year old Joins Hands With Hingis to Capture His 15th Grand Slam Title


leander and martina


This is Paes’s seventh mixed doubles crown and Hingis’s collected her eleventh doubles Slam. Martina who came out of retirement the second time joined hands with Leander last year to come up with a slam title. And yes! They did it as well.

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Paes and Hignis broke the Canadian French pair of Nester and Kristina once in the first set and twice in the second to put up an entertaining display.

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Hingis thanked her idol and legend Martina Navratilova for suggesting Leander as her mixed doubles partner. In 2003, Navratilova and Paes had teamed up to clinch the Australian  Open and Wimbledon mixed doubles crown and interestingly she was present at the stands to cheer them.

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At the post match conference, when asked whether they would team up again, Paes said; “I would like to, if she allows me to..” to which Hingis said “Ofcourse!”.  Looks like they are again going to make history with their partnership.

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An Interview Of Leander Paes and Martina Hingis.

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