6 Awesome Facts That You Must Know About The Major Tennis Tournament ‘Australian Open’



Australian Open

Australian Open logo

The Australian Open is a major tennis tournament held annually over the last fortnight of January in Melbourne, Australia. It was first held in 1905, the tournament is chronologically the first of the four Grand Slam tennis events of the year. The other three are the French Open,Wimbledon, and the US Open.

Here are some of the Interesting Facts That You Must Know About ‘Australian Open’:

1.  Australian Open features men’s and women’s singles; men’s, women’s, and mixed doubles and junior’s championships; as well as wheelchair, legends and exhibition events.

Here is the image of Australian Open tennis ball:

2014 Australian Open Previews

2.  Prior to 1988 the Australian Open tournament had been played on grass. Since 1988 two types of  surfaces have been used at Melbourne Park – green Rebound Ace to 2007 and blue Plexicushion from 2008.

Here is the image of Grass court:

grass court

Here is the image of Green Rebound Ace :

Rebound Ace

Here is the image of blue Plexicushion:

blue Plexicushion

3.  Australian Open tournament was first known as the Australasian Championships and then became the Australian Championships in 1927 and the Australian Open in 1969.

Here is the image of Australian Open Logo:

Australian Open logo2

4.  In the Australian Open the women’s singles winner is presented with the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup, The men’s singles winner is presented with the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup.

Here is the image of Australian Open Trophies, Norman Brookes Challenge Cup (men’s trophy) and the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup (women’s trophy):

Norman Brookes Challenge Cup (men's trophy) and the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup (women's trophy)

5. Australia Open was voted the best tennis tournament in the 2013 Tennis Magazine.

Here is the image of Australia Open :

Australian Open logo 2013

6.  Since 1905 the Australian Open has been staged in five Australian and two New Zealand – Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Christchurch (in 1906), and Hastings (in 1912).

Here is the image of Australian Open in Melbourne:

Australian Open in melbourne



Here is the image of Australian Open in Sydney:

Australian Open in sydney

Here is the image of Australian Open in Brisbane:

Australian Open in brisbane

Here is the image of Australian Open in Perth:

Australian Open in perth

Australian Open 2015 Final Ceremony:



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