10 Super Easy Cooking Tips For All The Teenagers Out There



Cooking is an art and it is a pleasure to cook and feed others and the happiness you get looking at them when they enjoy the food you make can’t be explained in words. Teens, you are young minds with lots of creativity you don’t know what magic you will create when you cook…if you like cooking…here are some tips that might be helpful to you

  • Start with the easy stuff, even Maggi will do…though people say it is not called cooking…does it come prepared you have to cook it ?…so try with the simplest recipe


  • Learn to keep the place clean…it is important so that nothing dirty goes in the food and moreover if you start with keeping the place clean where you cook you will practice the habit always or else you will keep the kitchen messy always…


  • Don’t get disheartened – this happens with all of us when we try cooking for the first time. Not everyone of us becomes master chef’s, so it’s cool if it doesn’t turn out to come well…You learn from mistakes…


  • Don’t get frustrated – sometimes cooking irritates you…and so don’t get irritated when things don’t happen the way you want it to happen…relax


  • Cooking requires patience – Patience is important to cook…if you want everything to happen fast…then for sure you will either hurt yourself or end up spoiling the dish…


  • Learn the Kitchen – It is very necessary to know here the things are placed in the Kitchen or else you will get frustrated so learn and know where the things are kept.


  • Inculcate the habit of tasting food – It is very much required you taste the food once it is prepared…because most often we forget to put the required spices mainly salt (winks)


  • Try experiments – Do what you like in the Kitchen…You might not know when your experiments might turn out to be new recipe…so keep experimenting…but safely.


  • Call your friend over – Friends will always tell you the truth when it comes to know about your cooking. There is possibility people at home won’t tell you the truth just to keep your heart but your friends will not do so and if you call them, you will get motivated to continue cooking and keep trying new things.


  • Be Health conscious – It is not required for teens to tell that be Health conscious as you are more health conscious than anybody else…


So follow these tips and you might become a Master Chef and one of the favorite cook at your place. So keep cooking and see the happiness you get when others appreciate your cooking…


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