5 Reasons You Should Not Talk About Your Ex To Your Current Partner


talk about ex

Relationships are fragile and sensitive. No relationships are perfect so there would be times when things could go out of hand and would be hard to mend. It’s not because they cannot handle our relationships or they don’t love each other, it’s because people often find it hard to let go off things from their past and continue to live through it even in their present, which could lead them to lose much important things from their life. One of the reasons why people face issues in their relationship is because they keep talking about their ex boyfriend or girlfriend to their present partner.

Here are 5 reasons why you should not talk about your ex to your current partner.

  1. May not like you taking their name

Your current partner may not like you taking their name over and over again. Even the thought of you thinking about them would irritate them, so listening to their name from your mouth again and again could be far more annoying and could offend them. They may get a feeling that you’re still not over them and you might want to go back to them.

  1. May feel you are comparing them

They may feel that you’re talking about them because may be you want your partner to be like them or treat you the way they did. They may feel you’re trying to compare their love and relationship with your past experience.

  1. Makes them feel jealous

Even though we love and trust our partner, we still end up getting jealous. It’s because we cannot see them being associated with someone else or even talk about them. So if you keep talking about the past they may feel bad.

  1. May feel insecured

Insecurity is very natural in a relationship. By talking about your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend you may make your current partner feel in secured. May feel that they might be better than what he is or she is or they are not worthy to stand up to your expectations like they way they did.

  1. It can ruin your current relationship

By talking about your past the worst thing could happen is that it could ruin your relationship. It will often lead to fights, arguments, misunderstanding which is bad for any relationship.

Would you like to listen to stories about your partner’s ex? Won’t you feel bad about it? So why do the same thing with them and hurt them. Remember your exes were the ones who hurted you that’s the reason you’re not with them so why talk about them. Forget about them like a bad dream and love your partner the best way you could. Live in your present and do not dwell in the past.

Also those who are going through situations like these, it’s always better not to keep quiet but talk about it to your love and explain them that you don’t like listening to things related to that ex, so its better they avoid taking their name or talk stuffs about them.

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Daisy Pais


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