Live Updates: TYBMS Sem V (75:25) Results 2015 Declared Or Not!


Hello BMSites,

Breaking News : 20th February 2015 :

6.00 PM : Results are out. Check Do reply here and tell us how you feel about your results !

Yesterday in the evening there was an image being forwarded on WhatsApp that BMS Sem V Results will be declared on 11th February 2015 at 8am.

Please find the image below:

BMS Results


So, BMS Team has taken the initiative to keep you updated if the results are declared or not through the below timely updates:

8am : When the BMS Team checked the Mumbai University website, BMS Sem V results were not declared. Instead Results of BBI and BFM were declared yesterday. If you have any friends of BBI and BFM course, you can ask them to check their results at :

9.30am : BMS Results are not yet declared. Rumour is that results are expected to be declared at 8pm and not 8am.

1.30pm: BMS results are not yet declared. As per rumours, the notification on Mumbai University website that “BMS Sem V Results will be published on 11th February 2015 at 8:00 hours” was updated yesterday in the evening and was removed from the university website after 2 hours. While few of them think that the above image is an edited picture and the news is totally untrue.

6pm: As per sources, BAF and BMS results are ready and will be declared in the next 2 days if not today.



12th February 2015:

11.30am: So the image which said : BMS Sem V Results will be published on 11th February 2015 at 8:00 hours


Results were not declared on 11th February 2015. As per sources, the results are expected to be out in the next 2 days.


 13th February 2015:

7.30am: TYBMS Sem V ATKT Exam Results of 60:40 CBSGS has been declared on 12th February 2015. So, the TYBMS Sem V 75:25 Exam results can be expected today by evening or by 14th February 2015 evening.


5.30pm: As per sources, TYBMS Sem V 75:25 Results will be declared by today night. Stay tuned!


8pm: Today TYBMS Sem VI ATKT CBSGS Results and TYBAF Sem V 75:25 Results got declared at MU’s official website. Looks like Sem V Results of 75:25 will be declared tomorrow morning or evening. We apologize the students for the inconvenience caused because of our previous update.


15th February 2015:

9.30pm – TYBMS Sem V CBSGS 75:25 Results will take time to get declared (maybe few more days / a week) as per sources. However, the reasons for the delay in results remain unknown.


17th February 2015:

8am: As per sources, TYBMS sem V CBSGS 75:25 Results will take a week more time to get declared. The results were ready to be declared last week but as per sources, the delay in results is due to issues related to internal marks of few colleges.


18th February 2015:

8.30am: Rumour is that results are expected next week because University is still figuring out the internal marks of few college(s). Results of External exams are ready.


19th February 2015:

7am: As per sources, Results are expected by 28th February 2015, Saturday.


Stay tuned!

Students are requested to keep patience and not panic. Team is regularly visiting the results page of Mumbai University official website. As soon as results are declared, it will update you on this page.

20th February 2015 :

6.00 PM : Results are out. Check Do reply here and tell us how you feel about your results !

Look forward to hear from you !

Best wishes,

BMS Team

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  1. Now that the mumbai university has declared the b.m.s sem v(60:40) results!! ####miracle came true…. we can say that the university is back to his

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