3 Most Common Behavioural Disorders Seen In Children




As we all know most children are naughty, defiant and at times are impulsive and throw tantrums but that is perfectly normal among children. However, every time things may be not as normal as they seem. Some children have extremely difficult and challenging behaviours that may not pertain to that particular age group. There are some disorders seen in children that may seem quite normal but actually could be quite horrifying if not paid attention and not taken proper precautions well before hand.

Behavioural disorders in children could be due to number of reasons like premature pregnancies, aggressive by birth, due to inefficient family life like domestic violence or poverty or parental abuse, learning difficulties, intellectual disabilities, poor brain development.

Following are the three most commonly seen disorders in children;

  1. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

This disorder is seen in children between the age group of 10-12 years. In most cases boys are easy target of this disorder as compared to girls. The child suffering from this disorder have some typical behaviours that include of being aggressive and irritated, frequent temper tantrums, argues with adults, disobeys, tries to aggravate others. The child may also have low self-esteem and may blame others for any misfortunes.

  1. Conduct disorder (CD)

Children with this disorder often refuse to follow rules due to which they are termed to be ‘bad kids’. At least 5% of the kids are found to have this disorder with most being boys. These children are also likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Such children also show some behaviour like disobeying parents and other authority figures, tendency of use of drugs, smoking and cigarette at an early age. They also lack empathy towards others and are involved in bullying and physical or sexual abuse. They often lie and are keen to start a fight and make use of weapons. They are also seen to have criminal behaviour like stealing and lighting fires. They also have the tendency to run away from home. Suicidal tendency are included but are rare.

  1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Approximately 5% of the children are seen to undergo this disorder with boys in most cases. The behaviours involved in this disorder are difficulty in concentrating, incompletion of work, being very impulsive and constant restlessness and fidgeting.

Treatment of behavioural disorder

Untreated children with such disorders are likely to grow up as dysfunctional adults. Earlier the preventions better would be its outcome.

  • Such child may require parental love, care and education on behaviour.
  • Not only the child but also the family needs to take up a therapy to deal with this problem.
  • Help the child control his own thoughts and manage his anger and how to deal with situations when get out of control.
  • The child should be given social training of how to talk to people and co-operate in situations.
  • Support and encourage the child to showcase their talents and help him build his self-esteem.
  • Proper medication to control impulsive behaviours.
  • Consult doctors or child therapist for best results.

If you have ever noticed such signs and symptoms in your children consult the doctor as soon as possible. Prevention is always better than cure.

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Daisy Pais


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