Roti, Kapda And Makaan- The Struggling Need Of India



India is a STRUGGLING country. Struggling for development, struggling for freedom from poverty and corruption, struggling for a better livelihood, struggling for clean environment and last but not the least for its basic needs that is food clothing and shelter. India is not a poor country but the people are poor. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Poverty in India is a major issue even today when India is accelerating towards development. India is a home to world’s 1/3rd extreme poor population. The moment one recalls about India the first thing that comes to mind is its Poverty and Population.

Since India’s independence, the subject of poverty in India has remained a major concern. India alone has almost 220.1 million people living below the poverty line that’s almost 29.5% of the population which is highest in the world. India is a large country containing a vast amount of people from different religions different political views and social standings – this coupled with the fact that the distribution of wealth and resources is highly unequal which has lead to poverty being the root cause of all the problems in our country.

Like any other society in the world Indian society too is divided into Upper class, Middle class and lower class. The people in the upper class are living a luxurious life. Their struggle is only to maintain their standard of living and growing beyond their needs. The middle class is quite satisfied with what they have but still are unable to meet their needs completely. Majority of the population are middle class. A common middle class man starts his day with the struggle to enter inside the crowded locals, somehow manages to hold himself inside these trains and works for more than 12 hours to meet his needs and eventually receives only peanuts. Most of the house has only one bread winner which is not enough for the entire family. How are they supposed to survive? On the hand the lower class people stand nowhere in front of the upper and lower class. Their means of earning is through begging, cleaning trash and small other works which other may not prefer doing.

ROTI, KAPDA and MAKAN are the basic need of our living. Well it’s not difficult for the upper class. Roti and Kapda is something which we may get with some money but Makan is a major issue. The prices of houses are become so expensive that even the thought of having house gives stress. Even a 1bhk flat is not less than 50 lakhs, which is not affordable to a middle class family. So many people in our country our homeless, even the middle class cannot afford a bigger house than 1bhk whereas the lower class has no other option than dwelling on the streets and slums.

What can be done to solve this problem? Our country is drowned in corruption, we cannot expect much from our government. Hopefully something turns up in favour of the people so that people will be free from the problem of Roti, Kapda aur Makan.

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Daisy Pais


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