Interview with Ajay Landge, FYBMS Student, J.M. Patel College


Interview with Ajay Landge, FYBMS Student, J.M. Patel College

By Neil D’souza

Tell us about yourself

I like to play football, it is my hobby. The one thing which I like about myself is that I always try harder. If there is 1% chance of passing I will still try.

Tell us about your college

I like my college I like the teachers of my college. They are very supportive. My favorite teacher is Ms. Shweta because she teaches well and she is very friendly.

When did you join  BMS? Which year you are in?  What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

I am an fybms student. I have chosen this course as I want to become an entrepreneur and earn lots of money to enjoy my life and make it better.

According to you, what is BMS all about? As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

According to me bms is all about management. It teaches us all the information which is needed for us to start the business and all other activities.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

Manidada  and my mother have influenced me the most. They also follow the 1 % principle.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

If you want to take entrepreneurship as a career or if u want to improve your inner qualities then you should choose BMS.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

Did anyone force you to do MBA or was it by your own will?

What field in MBA did u specialize in?

What are your future plans? (Your ambitions)

I want to work in a famous and well established company. Then after that some years I will become an entrepreneur by starting my own business.

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Neil Dsouza

I am working to complete this internship and also to lay a good foundation for my future. I like reading books, surfing the net, talking to friends.


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