Interview with Vijay Kodmunja, FYBMS Student, Chandrabhan Sharma College


Interview with Vijay Kodmunja, FYBMS Student, Chandrabhan Sharma College

By Janhavi Bhatkar

Name – Vijay Kodmunja

College Name – Chandrabhan Sharma College, Powai

Course Name – BMS

Which year – FY


1)Tell us about yourself

ANSWER: Myself Vijay Kodmunja. I am student of CSC. My dad Mr Narsanna Kodmunja is a plumber &  my mom Tulshi Kodmunja is a housewife. I have 1 brother and 1 sister. I join this course because in this course I can learn that what is management and how I can manage the things.

2) How does it feel to be the Class Representative of the class?

ANSWER: It feel awesome to be class representative because I am representing my class and all students of my class gives me respect as a CR. My motivation is my friendly nature which make me to handle the class

3)What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills.

ANSWER: Leadership means maintain peace in people and show them a better way of success. There are many situation where I proved that I have better leadership skills like one day I handled my class when there was no teacher in class.

4)What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

ANSWER: Leader should act differently in different situation. He should know how to act in trouble as well as in happy moments of group.

5)Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?

ANSWER: Yes! The leader should be motivated because if he is not motivated then how can he motivates the other people. To stay motivated he has to learn new new things from others.

6)What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

ANSWER: There is nothing difficult to be a leader but some time its difficult to handle like behave differently in different situation.

7)What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?

ANSWER: My greatest strength is my friendly nature and my greatest  is my emotions.

8)According to you, what is BMS all about?

ANSWER: BMS is all about management and handle the situation.

9)As a student, what changes would you like to bring in Indian education system?

ANSWER: As a student, I like to change the hole education system because I as a student I want my choice to select the sub which I want to study.

10)What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

ANSWER: If some one is planning for BMS, I just want to advise that be always focus on your AIM. If you want to prove good in marketing and management sector BMS is good option for you.

11)Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS student?

ANSWER: I have learned that I have to be better and better. According to me to follow our dreams is wisdom of life. As well as we have to be aware about the reality. Blindly following our  dream will be foolishness.

Competition is necessary in our life. But it should be always healthy. Sporting spirit is very much important in any competition. If you lose something don’t give up…you should move on. It is a life. Message to upcoming BMS is just that put your all effort to achieve your dream.

12)Your feedback for

ANSWER: Doing good job. It is very much informative for us.

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I am Janhavi. Actually I am from Ratnagiri, for studies I came to Mumbai. My father is a farmer and mother was in government job. I am BMM student. In future,I want to become a journalist or a reporter. It's my passion. My hobbies are reading books, watching movies, news etc. I like to write about social issues happening around us.


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