Ans.       To answer the following question let us know the core meaning of both values and management.
The mental contents of a good person are called ethical values. This is also called daivi sampati or divine qualities. Â Some fundamental values which are universally applicable are:
- Cosmic unity – That the individuals’ soul or jivatvam is linked to the universal soul/idea/energy or parmatman or Brahman.
- Ahimsa or non-violence, derived from this unity.
- Satya or truth
- Chit or consciousness
- Ananda or bliss, as a permanent state of mind.
Management is a process of designing and maintaining an environment in which people achieve common organizational goals in most effective and efficient manner. In short, management is getting things from others.
Now if we coagulate both the meanings then we would realize that both are complimentary to each other than supplementary.
Our effectiveness at work is tied to exercising intrinsic human values i.e. moral and ethical values such as communication excellence, credibility, innovation, creativity and co-ordination, the human values help self development managerial functions such as direction control, supervision, communication, integration, co-ordination are much easier, the human values help good inter personal interactions. They reduce conflicts and disputes. They are part and parcel of achieving accelerated process of improvement, customer, worker and citizen satisfaction they enhance the goodwill of the organization.
We seek fulfillment, happiness and success it is achievement of inner and outer success needs holistic view. Inner spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, enrichment.
The outer achievement is related to achieving set goals using one’s talents and experience for the benefit of others (Employees, customers, clients and public). Outer success fulfils social responsibilities and ecological balance. Outer success is related to all parts of our personality thus by analyzing the above points. I come to the conclusion that values and management can be integrated in every yug i.e. that is in Satyug,DwaparyugTartyugor Kaliyug as well.