The Importance of Wearing Sunglasses



Sunglasses is a must have in everyone’s wardrobe for all the seasons.

Especially for those who live in a tropical climate, where you tend to see the sun almost all the time.

The area around your eyes is delicate and sensitive. So you need something extra to protect it. Sunglasses helps to protect the delicate skin around your eyes and your eyes as well.

My eyes get watery very easily. So it is must for me to wear sunglasses or else it is so frustrating for me to keep on wiping my tears all day long.

Usually my eyes get teary if the sun is too bright or if I am riding my scooty otherwise I am alright on daily basis.

Sunglasses helps to reduce the glare as sometimes it can be distracting and irritating as they interfere with the vision.

While riding bikes or scooty or driving a car there are times when the sun is just so bright due to which there is so much glare that you can hardly see anything. It can be dangerous since you are driving so sunglasses is must while driving.

Sunglasses helps to protect your eyes from dust and wind as they sometimes can cause infection or they can make your eyes sensitive. It is one of the basic function of Sunglasses.

There are so many sunglasses in the market, selecting right one for yourself is quite easy compared to other accessories. 

The things you need to keep in mind while selecting right sunglasses are your face type and face size. 

If you are having a small face then wearing  huge sunglasses wont look good, even though they are in trend these day. 

Just don’t follow the trend blindly and buy huge sunglasses, make sure they suit you and look good on you. 

There are variety of brands to choose from avoid buying cheap sunglasses as they might affect you vision. Try to buy more premium or branded sunglasses as they will be much more suited for eyes. 

If you are on budget then wait for sale or you can buy online as there are many websites offering good offers and discounts on sunglasses. 

The only drawback to shop online is to know whether the sunglasses you are buying will suit you or not. 

But it is fine one can get an overall idea about buying them online as well. 

If you can buy two sunglasses then do buy them in a darker lens and in lighter lens. Darker lens can be used on the days when there is bright sunlight and lighter lens can be used on daily basis. 

I know there are people who are not comfortable with sunglasses but sunglasses are essential to take good care of your eyes, it takes some time to be comfortable wearing them for a whole day but once you do, you will never forget to wear them. 





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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