6 Tips to Help You Pack for a Trip



There is a big question for girls while travelling, is what to carry on in your bags while travelling. 

There are so many things we like to carry, but ideally less is more while travelling. 

I will sharing with so tips on what to carry in your travelling carry on bag while travelling.

1) Big Tote Bag 

While travelling make sure you carry a large tote bag. As you can fit in most of your stuff. Huge advantage of carrying a tote is that if you are shopping a lot in other country or place you are visiting then you can shift some of your clothes in case of over weight in your big tote. So carry a nice big tote. 

2) Sunglasses 

A pair of sunglasses is some thing you must carry as you never know when you will need it.

3) A small makeup bag 

A small make bag consisting of few of you lip balm and small size of moisturizer or anything you can sample size. It will be very convenient for you to find you makeup in your bag.

4) Wet Wipes

Wet Wipes are always helps in long journey. They keep you fresh and make you feel clean in long journeys. They can be useful to clean you hands and keeping them sanitized.

5) Book

Whether it is a small or long journey have a good book to read is savior from boredom. Nowadays you can read books on your phone as well. It will be a good way pass your time while travelling. 

6) Ipod/ Mp3

If you are a music love like I am carry your ipod or mp3 with you. It will be really helpful while sleeping or to cancel out some unnecessary sounds while travelling. Most importantly it will help you to keep yourself entertained throughout the journey.

 These are the essential things one must carry in their travelling carry on. It also depends on person to person what to carry but if these things are there you are sorted. 

I love travelling with these thing rest all of it goes in my luggage. These are the things you will need most while travelling. 

Carry a sleeping mask if you can’t sleep while travelling, sleeping mask will help you to sleep comfortable while travelling.

Have a really fun vacation !!!




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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