Do BMSites need experience to work in companies?


Hey Guys, here I am again with a new question to discuss.  Well this one is relating to the employment factor. A question that covers around 50% of my mind. Yeah, you can say this question is actually a doubt, a concern for me.

Last month had a seminar in our college regarding the Development of IT sector and the employment opportunities available . I had asked this question to the person conducting the seminar. Now Lets discuss it over here.

Every small or big organisation, need Experienced Employees. So what about Freshers? If  we won’t be given a chance to get experience, where do they except us to get it from?

Going through the Classifieds in the newspapers, don’t you notice – 95% of the ads says Experience n number of years, and only 5% says Freshers can apply. And by 5% I mean almost 2-3 ads.

I bet the people sitting unemployed at home, would mostly be Freshers. Agreed???

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


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