Retail Management October 2012 University Question Paper




OCT 2012 SEM 6


Q1 Explain Functions of a retailer.                                                                       3marks


 Q2 Explain RFID tags.                                                                                            3marks


 Q3 Explain Rebates.                                                                                               3marks


 Q4 Explain Methods of display.                                                                            3marks


 Q5 Explain Grid Layout.                                                                                         3marks


Q 6 lndia’s largest retailer future group has partnered with Disney to launch the country’s
first cookies for kids under its own brand-Brand Tasty Treat. The retailer feels that while the cookie sub-segment is growing three tirnes faster than the overall biscuits market, the kids segment is virtually untapped. With this launch, future group is targetin g 20% of the cookie category in over 200 Big Bazaar stores.

Kids are driving consumption in this category. Future Group has partnered wiih Disney to leverage this insight, launching an exclusive range of “Kidz Cookies” with popular Disney characters. The product is developed with Unibic making it world class in quality.
Most of the companies including Parle, Britannia and ITC have also been aggressive, in the high margin segment to offset rising raw material costs. The companies want, to deviate from the traditional biscuit and glucose market that are showing stagnating growth. The launch also strengthens the fact that children are fast becoming decision makers for many categories such as instant noodles and shampoos. Marketers are now launching products specially designed for the younger target audience.

(i) What are private labels ? (3marks)
(ii) What benefits do private labels offer to the retailers ? (7marks)
(iii) Do you think Future Group will be a success with its new strategy in the cookies category ? Justify with reason. (5marks).



Q 7 Explain store and Non-Store Retailling in detail. Do you think Non-Store retailling will grow faster than Store retailing ? Justify your answer.                                  10marks


Q 8 Explain the strategic retail planning process in detail. Why is it necessary to develop a well integratedstrategy ?                                                             10marks


 Q9 Explain any five pricing strategies adpoted by retailers. What is Markuppricing.



 Q10 What are the factors that a retailer needs to take into account while designing a store?                                                                                                                               10marks

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