Retail Management October 2011 University Question Paper


OCT 2011 SEM 6 REV


Q1 Explain Category.                                                                                              3marks


Q 2 Explain Responsibilities of a store manager.                                               3marks


 Q3 Explain Grid Layout.                                                                                         3marks


 Q4 Explain Role of lT in retail.                                                                               3marks


Q 5 Explain Price bundling.                                                                                                3marks


Q 6 Case Study
lndia is perceived to be-the most attractive retait destination. lndia provides the largest consumption market in the world that is still largely untapped. Yet, the most fascinating aspect of this market is that it can never be described in numbers alone. The economic, social and cultural diversity of lndian consumers forces marketers and retailers to view this mass of consumers not as one single market but as a ‘mass of niches.’ lndia is not only a culturally diverse market but also an economically diverse one. A recent issue of Forbes magazine states that there are more tndian billionaires than those in Japan. Yet, we have some of the poorest segments of the world’s population. ln between these two segments lies a huge and diverse market for mass retailers Custoiner segments in lndia are maturing faster than ever. A retailer with a single format strategy wilt not be able to cater to a targe set of customers in tndia .While hypermarkets and discount chains will continue to dominate the modern retailing scene in lndia, multiple formats have to be designed to cater to different aspirations and needs of consumers. The growing middle class is pushing the development of speciality stores. Outlets for home products, fashion, office stationary, health products and consumer electronics are in demand.

How has the lndian consumer changed over a period of time? (5marks)
Explain in detailthe various retail formats mentioned in the case study. (6marks)
Suggest a retail format for both, the rich in lndia and for the poor in lndia. Justify your answer. (4marks).



 Q7 Describe the role of a franchisor and franchisee. Discuss the reasons for the success of franchising in Indai.                                                                                  10marks


 Q8 Explain the strategic retail planning process in detail.                               10marks


 Q9 Explain the importance of merchandise planning in merchandise management.



Q 10 What are the factors that a retailer needs to take into account while choosing a location for a retailstore?                                                                                        10marks

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