Tips To Crack Financial Market Operations Theory Paper



We all know the fact that this is the first year for this paper to get introduced at TYBMS Semester  VI under elective category. Being the first year there is  no  much support material nor past few years university papers  to browse through and get some idea on the  questions asked in this subject.

So here are some tips to crack the paper. ( this tips are purely on the basis of self and years experience in teaching)

  1. This paper will have only theory questions and no numerical questions asked.
  2. Paper pattern will be the same as all other subjects.
  3. The subject has many terms / concepts to be studied. Ensure that you study the concepts from each unit.
  4. Case study is expected in the paper. Suitable example: if you are having 1,00,000 rs  in your hand and you want to make an investment decision  to invest in financial market then
    1. How does credit rating agencies help you with it?
    2. Will you make the technical and fundamental analysis? Justify your answer.
    3. Why is it necessary to study the financial system.
    4. Will you invest in mutual funds? Justify your answer.


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