Rio – Fusion Drink Partner of Academic Excellence Awards 2015



Rio Logo

Silver Ice Beverages (SIB) was formed in 2008 with the objective of introducing ‘NEW’ to the already saturated Indian Beverage Market.
When we brewed RIO, our aim was to give the youngsters in the country a taste of different, to take them beyond the limited options they had been seeing for ages together. And give them a taste of India’s First Fusion Drink. With India’s First Fusion Drink, we take the youth to a never-explored territory of taste and inspire them to develop the thrill and thirst for new. Everything about Rio is different, from its taste, looks, colour to even its thinking as a brand.
Capturing market shares and winning hearts isn’t Brand Rio’s agenda. We’re more focused on changing thinking, breaking shackles, altering perceptions, ending presumptions, curtailing preconceived notions, and rendering for you a never-before experience.
This ideology is reflected in our beverage too. Several combinations and contrast fusions of exotic fruits from around the world have finally resulted in the perfect fusion flavours you’re acquainted with today. A sip and you’ll know what different tastes like!

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