10 Interesting Facts About K.V. Kamath You Ought To Know


K.V. Kamath



10 Interesting Facts About K.V. Kamath You Ought To Know

1) K.V. Kamath was born on 2nd December 1947 in Karnataka.

2) K.V. Kamath joined National Institute of Technology, Karnataka for a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering.

3) K.V. Kamath joined the IIM A in 1969 for PGDM

4) K.V. Kamath’s full name is Kundapur Vaman Kamath.

5) K.V. Kamath is the newly appointed chief of New Development Bank of BRICS countries.

6) He has served as the Chairman of Infosys and as Non-executive Chairman of ICICI Bank.

7) He took charge of Chairmanship in 2011 from Narayana Murthy.

8) In the past, he has served as an independent director on the boards of the Houston-based oil services company.

9) He is the member of the governing boards of IIM A, ISB, NIBM, Manipal Academy and is the Chairman of Governing Board at IIM Indore.

10) He is also the member of the National Council of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).



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